Libyan Iron and Steel Company – Asbestos Abetement Project – 2013
Finally in 2013 April our Asbestos Abetement Service Project have started and after 9 months Er-Petro Ltd. finished the work and handed over the “Asbestos Safe” (Certificates by: Wessling Hungary, Wessling Germany) Power and Desalination Plant to the Libyan Iron and Steel Company.
The project main goal was to change the Asbestos Containing Material (ACM) pipe insulation,Turbine covering and motor covering to a more safer material.
Our company’s first policy is the quality of our work, that we hand over to the customer.
We were working under safe working procedures,following every steps of the regulations when dealing with ACM.
The project included :
A complete Power Plant (consists of 6 Turbine and Boiler Units) and a complete Desalination Plant with 3 Evaporator Units.
The project declared in 250 days split to 2 Phases
– Phase One (Power Unit 1-2-3 and Desalination Boilers,Evaporators and the Elevated Common System Lines) 100 days
– Phase Two (Power Unit 4-5-6) – 150 days
At the end, both of the customer and our company was statisfied with the results of the abetement project.