1) Supervision & Consultancy of the drilling works of the Great Man-made River Project Libya

2) Joint Geological Mapping in Haruj Al Abyad

3) Joint Geological Mapping in Waw Al Kabir

4) Reservoir Simulation Study on Dahra Field (Gas)

5) Reservoir Simulation Study on Samah Field (Oil)

6) Reservoir Simulation Study on Balat Field (Oil)

7) Maintenance and Repair of 60 Laboratory Instruments for 4 Laboratories

8)Development of a New Quantitive log-interpretation Sofware Called: Flex-In-Log

9) Editorial, Printing and Publishing of Jabal Uwaynat and Jabal Sa’dah Map Sheets

10) Geological Mapping in Jabal Uwaynut

11) Joint Geological Mapping in Kufrah Basin

1) Conventional Refurbishment of Tube Heat-Exchangers

2) Repair and Servicing of Coil Tube Heat-Exchangers

3) General Maintenance of Heat-Exchangers

4) Chemical Works

5) Installing Underground Natural Gas Storage Line

6) Refurbishment Heat Exchanger and Piping Works

7) Installing Cracking Towers

8) General Maintenance of Heat Exchangers

9) Maintenance of Heat Exchangers

10) Chemical and Petro-Chemical Works

11) Technological Piping Works

12) Maintenance of Heat Exchangers

13) Main Pump Maintenance and Related Piping Works

14) Refurbishment of Heat Exchangers

15) General Maintenance and Refurbishment of Tube Heat Exchangers

16) Repairing of Coil Tube Heat Exchangers

17) Vessel Maintenance and Piping Works

18) Repair and Servicing of Tube Heat Exchangers

19) Repair and Servicing of Heat Exchangers

20) Repair and Servicing of Heat Exchangers

21) Piping, Cladding and Maintenance Works

22) Heat Exchangers Refurbishment and Repair

23) Heat Exchanger Refurbishment and Repair

24) General Maintenance of Heat Exchangers

25) On-line Cleaning of Heat Exchangers

26) General Maintenance of High-Pressure Heat Exchangers

27) Refurbishment of High-Pressure Heat Exchangers

28) Refurbishing and Cleaning of Low-Pressure Haet Exchanger

29) Maintenance of Heat Exchangers

30) Maintenance of Heat Exchangers

31) Maintenance of Heat Exchangers

32) Cleaning of Heat Exchangers

33) Refurbishment of Heat Exchangers

34) Cleaning of Heat Exchangers

35) Maintenance of Heat Exchangers

36) Overhaul, Repairing of High Pressure Heat Exchangers

37) Refurbishment of Heat Exchangers

38) Overhauling Heat Exchangers

39) Asbestos Abetement Project

40) Chimney Overhaul and Repairing Works

41)Asbestos Heat Treatment